Wednesday 28 November 2012


Up until yesterday afternoon, I have always used home made PowerPoint's as a useful  introduction tool to my lessons.  I teach 3 to 4 year old children and find that a visual inspiration or trigger very helpful ,when introducing a new topic. 

Today in University the lecturer demonstrated some extremely clever interactive PowerPoint's.  The lecturer made the point that PowerPoint's are all well and good and can be a useful introduction tool, however they need to be relevant to the ,learner, interesting and are much more fun and proactive when interactive and if you are super clever you could add hyperlinks.

I have used interactive PowerPoint's with the children and it does make the PowerPoint's more interesting for the learners.  I have found that they gain a deeper understanding of subjects when they can get up and engage with the subject on the whiteboard.  However I have always used other peoples pp's not my own, and probably until yesterday wouldn't of had the confidence to attempt an all singing and dancing pp.  But the lecturer introduced Microsoft PowerPoint 2007  and I had an epiphany, we made a basic pp with some added animation and a little multimedia.  It was amazing and I will attempt to have a go for my next math lesson which is about the 3 little pigs and mathematical positioning.  I am going to make a pp for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and pigs running races.  Please watch this space!

Monday 26 November 2012

Ordered two new Bee Bots for class, they cost £15.00 each.  On arrival I realised they required 3 AA batteries each for the bot itself, and a further two 9 volt batteries, for the two remote controls.  The AA batteries cost £4.99 each and the 9 volt batteries cost £4.00 each.  The Bee Bots no longer appear to be value for money.  Near on £48.00 for two petite remote controlled ICT items.  There must be a cheaper way, they don't even hold the children's attention for that long. 

I am wondering if their is actually Bee Bots out their that are run on lithium batteries or can be plugged in to re-charge?

Monday 19 November 2012

A reflective journey - Post 2

Last week after an eye opening lesson on ICT, which in fairness I have commented on my peers thoughts and views through out the week to my fellow colleagues.  I enjoyed the lesson and found the information on Ipads very interesting, listening to all my  peers opinions on how they use them within their schools.  I found it interesting, that they were often being used as a tool for writing, when we already have white boards.  The lecturer made a valid point saying, they have to bring something new to the table, not just be another way of doing something.

The homework we were set for this week, was to use something technical.  To be honest just to hold my television remote for a whole evening, would not just be something technical but a miracle. To pry it out of the hands of my family would be a challenge alone.  Hence why in my planning this week, I wanted to plan an ICT lesson, within the personal and social subject skills, where we could use the Ipad. 

The activity was  a treasure hunt of sorts using the number 5.  The children were divided in to 2 groups and the first group had to decide where to hide the number 5's around the school, and using the IPAD take a photograph of the chosen place.  They would then take it in turns to film each other on the IPAD giving the other group a clue to where the number 5 could be.

I then showed the children how we could email our films and photographs to the classroom, where the other groups would pick up the details and would be able to go and hunt for the number 5's.  I crossed my fingeres that it would work, and I was truly amazed at how quickly it did.  I still think it is magic, David Blane it your heart out.  We went back to the class to see if it had worked, only to find the other group laughing at the children in the email and commenting on where the number 5's could be.  I think I was more amazed and enthused than anyone. 

I understand that this weeks homework was not to be solely related to education, however I did come home and pick up my husbands IPAD, and discovered that I can play Patience on it.   It even deals it out and you can press undo and hint!  I was like a woman possessed, £400.00 for a fancy Patience machine, worth every penny.

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Day one on planet ICT!

Presently I am in my second year in University, studying to gain a degree in education.  I am a part time student, as well as University I front a nursery within a primary school.  Hence the degree, I  would now like the title and the money to go with the job I already do and do to the best of my ability.  Presently are ICT in school is limited and the head of ICT is not inspiring or helpful to the ICT illiterate or frightened.  In nursery we have lots of real world ICT resources and what we do not possess, we create, Blue Peter style.  I would love to be able to use the Interactive whiteboard in schooland confidently and when I hit a problem, have the knowledge to fix it, without having to wait for hours until the GOD of ICT arrives, simply looks at it and with his power it obeys and works immediatley.  Leaving me looking particularly inadequate.

I feel the course I am studying in University is extremely worth while, it relates, enhances and deepens my knowledge on subjects relevant to my occupation.  I am enjoying the challenge although as a wife, mother of 4 and working full time, I would concur the word challenge doesn't convey enough in words just how challenging it can be.

Our current assignment in University is on ICT, I am of two opinions regarding this part of the course, dread and excitement.  I am dreading being completely useless and excited that I may actually gain knowledge on a subject area I am wary of.  I am aware of the importance of ICT and how beneficial it can be for children in all stages of their education. I hope this assignment will empower me to have the ability to teach with confidence and enthuse my learners. 

Yes that's it I want to be enthused by technology and impart my knowledge!

Bring it on!