Tuesday 13 November 2012

Day one on planet ICT!

Presently I am in my second year in University, studying to gain a degree in education.  I am a part time student, as well as University I front a nursery within a primary school.  Hence the degree, I  would now like the title and the money to go with the job I already do and do to the best of my ability.  Presently are ICT in school is limited and the head of ICT is not inspiring or helpful to the ICT illiterate or frightened.  In nursery we have lots of real world ICT resources and what we do not possess, we create, Blue Peter style.  I would love to be able to use the Interactive whiteboard in schooland confidently and when I hit a problem, have the knowledge to fix it, without having to wait for hours until the GOD of ICT arrives, simply looks at it and with his power it obeys and works immediatley.  Leaving me looking particularly inadequate.

I feel the course I am studying in University is extremely worth while, it relates, enhances and deepens my knowledge on subjects relevant to my occupation.  I am enjoying the challenge although as a wife, mother of 4 and working full time, I would concur the word challenge doesn't convey enough in words just how challenging it can be.

Our current assignment in University is on ICT, I am of two opinions regarding this part of the course, dread and excitement.  I am dreading being completely useless and excited that I may actually gain knowledge on a subject area I am wary of.  I am aware of the importance of ICT and how beneficial it can be for children in all stages of their education. I hope this assignment will empower me to have the ability to teach with confidence and enthuse my learners. 

Yes that's it I want to be enthused by technology and impart my knowledge!

Bring it on! 

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