Wednesday 19 December 2012

Frustrating me and breakable technology

My husband has often suggested that I should road test cars and toys for durability.  For we are yet to come across a car or object I cannot break., including two Landrover Discovery's.  I broke a mobile phone that firefighters use because of it's robustness! 

Two years ago he bought me a Kindle, they were new and exciting and slightly frowned upon by the traditional book worms, which up until I held one, I would of considered myself of that mindset. However I fell in love, I still love books but my Kindle was priceless.  We traditionally go on holiday for the duration of the summer holidays.  I have been known to get through 10 books in 6 weeks.  Packing this many books in a tent and six people was a challenge, and purchasing English language books in Europe was bordering on impossible, but not with my beloved Kindle.  Whenever I needed a new book, we would take a trip to Mc Donalds, access their free WiFi, download a new book and enjoy a satisfying or addictive meal at the same time, happy days!

Two days ago, I read my beloved Kindle in bed before going to sleep.  I was reading my favourite story, Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice.  I placed my Kindle in it's cosy cover, similar to that of a Tea Cosy, put it on the floor beside my bed and went to sleep.  Next morning I was rushing around and being completely disorganised, I had not made my bed and my pillow had fallen out of the bed and landed on top of my Kindle (unbeknown to me), my daughter asked to borrow my hair dryer. I strode over to my bed with my dainty size 6 feet, where my hair dryer lived and my Kindle under the pillow.  I stamped on the pillow, bent over and picked up the hair dryer and heard a heart lurching crunch under my pillow.  "What was that, I thought"? Only my Kindle.  The front screen now looks like an Etcha Sketch gone wrong.  I am so sad, Mr Darcy, I sincerely apologise for my clumsiness and boyish strides.  My dear Kindle if only I had invested in a Ruggedised case and not a fancy tea cosy.  The ironic thing about it is, as owners of the Kindle keyboard will be aware, each time the Kindle is left, it automatically draws a picture of a famous person, mine that I cannot remove from my Etcha Sketch Kindle is Alexandre Dumas, my husband says this is quite apt.

On the same day I have also discovered black lines across my mobile phone, apparently I have squished a row of LED's behind the screen, I am not quite sure what that means. 
   Irony of irony's my Father received a Kindle for his birthday today and I was the one who set it up for him, downloaded him a new book and adjusted the font.  Then cried for the loss of my beloved, endearing Kindle.  Imagine ,I am going to have to go back to reading books, one of those people who have to turn pages, positively medieval.  On the positive side if I step on one of them by the side of my bed, they will survive, Eureka, a robust item!

1 comment:

  1. Poor you and poor Kindle, you will have to ask Santa for a new one next christmas and a hard cover to protect it x
