Tuesday 8 January 2013

Explanations and Conviction!

School started back yesterday with an in service day.  I appreciate in service days, they provide us with the opportunity to gain a little order in the classroom before the children return, and chaos ensues.

During the morning I had to present my plans for the next two weeks to my manager, I showed her my idea for reflecting on the Christmas story and the Epiphany.  This was the lesson using the animal sounds and pictures of the animals in a PowerPoint.  I failed miserably to attach the sound to the PowerPoint, however I believe this was due to the fact I am using an older version of Word.  Although I have no choice as the new version is still not supported by the Local Authority.

My manager was a little sceptical about this lesson and wondered if I would be upset if she sat in and observed it.  I could hardly say no.  Oh how I looked forward to Tuesday morning.  Not only did I have 3 new starters arriving today, I also had my manager observing a lesson she was sceptical about.  She was sceptical because she thought the lesson was a little disrespectful to the story of the Nativity.  I explained it was more of a fun introduction to reflecting on the story, hopefully all would become clear when I conducted the lesson.  No pressure.

 I split the class in to 3 groups.  The younger children went to play with the new children with an adult, to assist and direct them. The second group when in to the foyer, for a circle time activity and they talked about their favourite Christmas present.  I had a group of 11 to discuss the Epiphany with, my manager sat discreetly at the side of the classroom and observed.  Thankfully the lesson was a great success.  We talked about Jesus's birthday, I explained to the children that we were going to play a little game, to help us remember what animals would of in the stable with baby Jesus.  They were excited and keen to play.  The lesson was great fun and the children were laughing and listening intently to the animal sounds.  The lesson then moved on and we talked about the Epiphany and what gifts the Wise men brought. 

Most children could recall the gifts, the children were lively and quick with their answers.  Hopefully the fun lesson helped the children to recall what they were learning before the holidays, and Santa consumed their little world.  I did not go into detail  about the Epiphany.  This was an introduction and a reflection.  Later in the week I have planned a circle time, discussing what present they would bring Jesus.  I justified myself to my manager, and reminded her that the children are 3 years old, they have been off for 2 weeks and some were a little sad about returning to school.  My manager was happy, she loved the lesson and suggested I explain myself better next time and have more conviction in my ideas. 

ICT is not embraced at all in our school, I am learning to embrace it and feel that I am using it rather staidly but I am trying.  I would embrace any help or ideas!!!!!

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