Thursday 24 January 2013

Modern technology, Kiss kiss!

The snow came to town yesterday and brought parts of our city to a stand still, me included.

Reflecting on my day yesterday I began thinking about the various technology we use and almost take for granted.

My day began by receiving an sms text from my daughter's school to say they were open.

I then had to drive her there in my car.  No need for walking.

I then came home and hoovered, didn't require a broom.

I watched my children play on a Nintendo WII.

I ordered them 2 new games on my laptop, off a website and have just been informed by an email that they have been dispatched.

We watched a DVD on the DVD player.

Later we made cakes and used an electric whisk to make the mixture, much easier than by hand.

I used the telephone to ring my sister and ascertain how much snow she had, beats smoke signals.

I used my Slow cooker to make meat balls and used my oven to bake garlic bread. 

I used my dish washer to wash all the horrible dishes.  Amazing invention, first invented in the Victorian era by a lady, no surprise there.

I set my alarm clock before I went to bed and my house alarm.

If you were to ask me the question, "Do I use much technology during the day".  I know for a fact, before starting this blog, I would of said "no, not really"!  On reflection it is quite alarming or amazing just how much technology we take for granted.

Oh!  I forgot the washing machine, sure beats a bath and a mangle, oh and the tumble dryer!

Glad I am in work tomorrow, will be cheaper for a start.


  1. That's right , we don't realise how much technology around us:))

    1. If you think about it most things we use these days involve some sort of technology. This post made me chuckle Ali :-)
